Sunday Social: Twitter Edition
It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. This one is about Twitter, which honestly I don’t check out very much anymore. I look at it maybe 3 times a week and only the last page or so of tweets. I find very little valuable info with it anymore. I’ve got too much to do to keep up with it much. My twitters are thatswhatwedid and cbuscheap (for my local events-based blog).
1. When did you join twitter? I have no idea. Probably 5 years ago?
2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow? I honestly don’t get into it that much anymore. I like to follow bloggers who have blogs I read, but some honestly post constantly and I don’t get it.
3. Who is your favorite celeb to follow? I don’t think I follow any celebs. They are barely real people (to me) and I don’t have much desire to interact with them. Actually – I may still follow Jenny McCarthy because I was trying to get an answer to why she claims she’s gluten-free and then she stated in a Shape magazine interview that deep dish pizza (from a place in Chicago that doesn’t serve gluten-free) is her favorite splurge food. Don’t “preach” a gluten-free life (which I feel like she does) if you aren’t actually following it full-time yourself. That just pisses me off. People like her make others think that most people just eat gluten-free as a fad – instead of the fact that it makes some people very sick when they eat it. Deep dish pizza isn’t worth me puking or crapping right after. I’m not sure that I even follow her anymore – she’s annoying so I probably already unfollowed her.
4. Have you ever had a celeb respond to a tweet? No – I’ve only ever asked about the situation in #3, and she certainly wasn’t going to respond.
5. What is your favorite store/brand to follow? I literally don’t have favorites. I honestly don’t spend enough time on Twitter. Blogging and living take up enough time that I don’t want to spend all kinds of time on social media. The more people talk about “drama” that goes on with Twitter, the less time I want to spend with it anyway.
6. Give us three tweeps we should be following. I don’t know…I use my one twitter to keep up with local events/people for my local blog, and I use my other one to follow bloggers and other companies. I probably shouldn’t have bothered with this Sunday Social, lol.