Super Bowl Party Recipes

I LOVE football. I don’t love it when the Steelers suck, but oh well. I don’t hate the Ravens, but I hate Ray Lewis (and Michael Vick). I hate that he was involved in a murder and plead down and no one got charged. I hate that the year he announced his retirement they make it to the Superbowl – what a charmed story for someone who doesn’t deserve it. When does karma catch up with people? By the way, if you want to rank who I hate more between Vick and Lewis, it’s definitely Vick because someone who is able to torture and kill multiple dogs is a completely sick individual and cannot be rehabilitated. He’s not sorry he did all of those terrible things, he’s sorry that he got caught. If you do it once and realize it’s wrong, then you can be sorry and never want to do it again. If you do it many, many times and are only sorry when you get caught, you’re not sorry that you did it and you would have kept doing it. So anyway. I can totally admit that the murder that Ray Lewis was involved in was likely a crime of passion and he probably hasn’t stabbed or beaten anyone to death since then. But I still hate that he gets to be lauded and be a role model.
So…you can guess who I’m rooting for in the Super Bowl. Not Ray Lewis.
We’re going to BW3’s to watch the game with friends, but if you need a few Super Bowl party recipes for watching it at home or attending a party, these are great options.
Main Dishes:
Gluten Free Potato and Crab Chowder
- Thai Summer Rolls
- Spicy Bombay Sliders
- Buffalo Turkey Lettuce Wraps
- Corned Beef and Coleslaw
- Reduced-Fat Sloppy Joes
- Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps
- Grilled Pizza
- 1st Place Quinoa Burger
Gluten Free Baked Quinoa and Cheese
- Chipotle Corn Salad (also makes a great salsa dip)
- Warm Potato Toss with Spinach and Feta
- Slow Cooker Baked Beans
- Gluten-Free Wonder Buns
- Mediterranean Chickpea Salad Recipe
- Honey Chipotle Almonds
- Avocado and Kiwi Salsa
- Pizza Hummus
- Gluten Free Buffalo Chicken Dip
- Kentucky Bourbon Bacon Chex Mix
- Praline Crowned Brie
Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Kiss Cookie Goodness
- Raw Somoa Bites
- Gluten-Free Nutella Cupcakes with different deco
- Spicy Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Clusters
- Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates
- Gluten Free Red Velvet Cream Cheese Swirl Bars (also pretty for Valentine’s Day)
- Peanut Butter and Oatmeal No Bakes
- Gluten Free Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
Do you have another other Super Bowl party recipes you can recommend? Leave me a link!
ooooooo cookies. i’m saving this page so many recipes so little time!