Thursday Thoughts

I’m joining Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Thursday Thoughts linkup, so here are some thoughts currently in my head.
I watched all of the seasons of Army Wives because a friend recommended it. Halfway through the series, I realized that I think she recommended The Good Wife. By that point I was already invested, so I just went with it.
I did the same thing with a series when Jenson was newborn and I was up all hours of the night. I watched all of the 100+ episodes of Gossip Girl before I realized that it wasn’t the show that my friend (a diff friend) recommended. I think she said to watch The O.C. or something else like that. Oh well…it was good to watch something that I wasn’t worried about missing lots of parts throughout when I’d fall asleep with it playing. I’d start the next episode and think “when did so and so die/breakup/cut their hair, etc.” But I didn’t care enough to find out, so I just moved on.
Now that all of my pre-pregnancy work clothes fit again and I have plenty of options, it’s become more apparent to me that I really don’t have a lot of style. I don’t like many of my clothes, but I also don’t want to invest in new ones. Blarg.
We bought a memory foam bed a few weeks after Jenson was born because we decided we needed a king-sized bed. I don’t know if it’s from nursing hormones or what, but I often wake up really sweaty. Lo doesn’t usually get too hot, so it might not be the bed. It’s been bad lately so we’ve been trying to figure out what we can do so I stay cooler. Some sites recommend layering some blankets in between the sheet and the bed to allow breathability, so I have 2-3 extra layers between the mattress and fitted sheet. It kind of defeats the purpose of memory foam. It seems to be helping a little (I think). I hate having to wash my hair every morning, but don’t have a choice if I get that sweaty – it’s that bad. I’m concerned about how it’ll be in the summertime!
Last Thursday my lower back started hurting and I realized pretty quickly that it was actually the same lower back/hip issue that I’ve had twice before and had to go to physical therapy for. I went to my sports med doc and he confirmed the issue (SI joint is out of place a bit), so now I can only hope that I get the good therapist who was able to do muscle activation technique to get it back in place. I feel okay in the morning, but it progressively gets worse, and by the end of the day, I have trouble even carrying Jenson.
In a related note, I start volleyball again on Tuesday. It’s a competitive reverse co-ed league, so it’s a lot of fun. Unfortunately if my back is still bugging me, all of the jumping isn’t going to help.
I think we’re finally ready to book our trip to Vegas this spring! Flight pricing is so expensive now though! It’s going to be $400 each round trip – it was so much less last May. Oh well…totally worth it to see this brand new baby – my nephew Maxwell! Let’s hope Jenson enjoys flying!
I’m currently listening to a webinar on using Doterra essential oils for pets. This one could use some Slim and Sassy (just kidding…that one isn’t for pets). She actually looks quite slim in this picture – it was a flattering angle.