Thursday Thoughts
I’m joining Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Thursday Thoughts linkup, so here are some thoughts currently in my head.
- Last week I said Boof was looking thin. She is!! She (unofficially) weighed in at 30 lbs, which is the smallest we’ve known her at. Now we can increase the amount of food from her starvation diet level to closer to the maintenance level. She still has been getting treats, and I’ve busted Lo wiping off shredded cheese shreds off of the counter onto the floor for her (multiple times), so I’m surprised at this weight cut. Her cousin Shorty still isn’t sure of her though…
- My physical therapist found that my SI joint and coccyx were out of place, so she put them both back in and gave me some exercises. I didn’t think it felt like they were back in place and when I went back 4 days later, she confirmed that they weren’t again and put them back in. I’m still getting pain off and on, but it may just be from inflammation now. She said it may take a couple of times to “stick”.
- I played volleyball again for the first time since last April-ish. It’s the power reverse co-ed league and I wasn’t awesome. It could have been worse though. My back row was perfectly fine, but my hitting/blocking timing was OFF. And my back/hip hurt like hell. So…there’s only up from here hopefully.
- I’ve been getting to bed consistently before 12:30! This is an improvement from regular 12:45 turn-ins.
- We all went for a family walk the other day because it was 60 degrees (!!!) and Boof was irritated that I was taking so long to tie my shoes, and I said that we both wished they were velcro. And then I saw these Lock Laces and they are almost as easy as velcro! I NEED these! (and will get these as soon as I pick out some other things I need to buy).
- I started watching The Good Wife and I’m not sure I’m sold. But i need something to watch after Lo goes to bed and haven’t figured anything else to watch. Any ideas? I know I may be one of the only people who doesn’t watch The Walking Dead – but I’ve seen some episodes and wasn’t drawn to keep walking. I’m not really into unrealistic or sci-fi type shows.
- Ugh…Geico has another picture frame commercial.
- I know the world is big…but how did a plane disappear?! How awful, no matter what is discovered.
We’ve watched The Good Wife since the beginning…….it’s better knowing the whole story line. How much weight has Boof officially lost?
Well, she was around 30-31 lbs, and worked her way up to 38 (!) pounds, despite 2 walks/day and carrot/green bean pieces for treats. After a year on prescription diet food, she’s back to 30 lbs. Puggles have it hard…both parents (pugs/beagles have weight issues.