Thursday Thoughts: travel, new job, 7 months!

I’m joining Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Thursday Thoughts linkup, so here are some thoughts currently in my head.

I’m behind on my weekly photo post.  Shocker right?  I was editing/picking the photos for it last night and thought – man, this is forever ago, but it was really like a week and a half ago.

I didn’t wear my regular clothes last summer (because I was mostly in maternity) so I finally pulled them out of storage and washed them.  Luckily everything fits, but my wardrobe is so boring.  I don’t remember which shirts I like with what shorts and stuff, so packing has been hard.  And I’m terrible at making packing decisions anyway.  I’m pretty sure one of these days Lo is going to be like – “no more vacations” because it takes me forever to pack.

I don’t have to pack much for Jenson because my sister has lots of baby clothes that will fit him, so that will make it easier, but its still hard to figure out what we DO need since it’s the first time we’ve flown with him.

My defensive volleyball skillz are back all the way now.  A new girl on the team was like – “you’re scrappy as hell tonight”, and Julie said – “she’s always scrappy like that”.  I explained that it just took some time for me to get back to it after pregnancy.  That being said, I think my vertical is about 12” right now, so while my hitting is okay, my blocking is garbage.  Actually, it’s less than garbage…it’s like vapor.   It’s not really there…but wait, maybe I see something…well, nope…it’s invisible.

I bruised my fat.  Specifically I bruised my saddlebag.  I’ve lost my pregnancy weight, but I’ll always have saddlebags, and when I dove for a ball on Tuesday, I landed weird on it.  It doesn’t hurt that bad, except I couldn’t sleep on that side when napping on my office floor.  I have a yoga mat and blanket to lay on, but it still hurt too bad to lay that direction.  I always nap on that side in my office – which happens to be the opposite side that I sleep on in my bed.

I’m back to napping on my office floor at lunch more days than not because Jenson is waking up 3-4 times a night more nights than not, so I gotta sleep sometime.  (suggestions on how to fix this are for another post another time…hopefully it will magically go away before I get around to posting about it)

I have several long sweater cardigans (circa 2005) that I lay on and cover up with on top of my yoga mat for naps on my lunch hour, but I’ve recently inherited a thick cozy blanket from Lo….

Because he’s switching jobs!  He got a job as the IT manager for a nearby (smallish) city/suburb.  It’s a fantastic opportunity and exciting that he gets to be in charge and build things the way he wants them.  He’s been at his (our) current place of employment for 12ish years and I’m really proud of him because he kind of hates change.

His commute distance/time will remain largely the same (just in a different direction).  My commute will change drastically because instead of sleeping for 25-30 minutes, I’ll be driving for 25-30 minutes, more likely 30-35 minutes because I won’t leave “on time” and I’ll hit the heavier traffic.  Sleep-porting to work has been fantastic, but (despite what people seem to think), I’ll be fine having to drive again.  I’m a big girl – I’ve had to do it before, I can do it again.

That being said, it’s going to be weird to have to start remembering a purse.  I don’t often need money at/after work, but it’s not unusual for me to forget my purse and need cash/credit card or something and just have to arrange a stairwell meeting to get money or a credit card from him.

I’ll update on how the change is going for us once it takes place.  I’m sure it’s going to be quite an adjustment (other than the stuff mentioned above) because we’ve worked in the same building as long as we’ve known each other (because that’s where we met).  Maybe we had a premonition that it would be this way someday because we always call it Val’s building.  I can’t explain the tone of voice we use to say this phrase anytime we see the building (in passing on a non-work day or on tv) “there val building”, but I can tell you that it originates from my sister/brother-in-law.  Though I don’t think Julie reads this, so exactly zero readers know what I’m talking about (well, 1, if Lo reads this).

Jenson is 7 months old.  What!  NO!  But seriously, so cute and awesome.

7 months old!

thursday thoughts

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