Trimming the tree

After our “bad” Santa experience, we took our tree home and took some serious naps before trimming the tree. I don’t know why it’s called trimming the tree and I don’t even like that phrase so I don’t know why I used it. Either way, it was time to tackle the tree.
Jenson had fun trying on the different hats and trying to put a stocking on his head. I think he makes an adorable elf.
He checked out some of the ornaments that we’ve bought during our travels. Several years ago we started buying an ornament each time we went on vacation to represent the trip. Its fun to look at them and remember fun vacations to Hawaii, Florida, Europe (though I was with friends and not Lo), etc. It’s also kind of funny that the ornaments that we’ve acquired since Jenson was born are all from Las Vegas, since that’s the only place we’ve gone since he was born (multiple times).
At some point, he decided that everything in that box was his…and he kept sorting the hats, ornaments, and tree skirt. So when we took the tree skirt to put it around the tree, he freaked. He cried for about 5 minutes about wanting it “have it, have it”, until Lo finally convinced him to put a hat on the top of the tree to distract him. After that, he was totally fine with the tree skirt being around the tree and hasn’t bothered it since.
Then it was time for ornaments, with breakable ones strategically towards the top of the tree (and the tree is secured to the wall). He really hasn’t bothered the ornaments anyway. He’ll touch them sometimes or say something about them, but I don’t think he’s even taken one off the tree. He’s pretty well-behaved like that, which leads me to believe that this next baby is going to be a real stinker.
Eventually the star made it on top of the tree to replace the Santa hat, but these two are cute anyway. Boof poses so well for pictures.