We’ve moved!

We made our move last Thursday and it’s going pretty well. The movers were amazing (American Moving and Storage) and got the job done so fast. We used them when we moved to Dublin and they were great then, so I’m not surprised. My parents came Friday-Sunday and helped us with a bunch of stuff: cleaning, moving the rest of the stuff that we didn’t have the movers take, watching Jenson so we could get things done. It was a big help. We are still in the throes of unpacking of course – while we have about the same amount of square footage, the layout and rooms are so different, so we have to figure out where things go.
Jenson seems to like the house and yard just fine – not that he prefers it over the other, but he doesn’t seem that affected. Our first night here he woke up crying hard around 4 a.m. – obviously was scared and didn’t know where he was. We brought him in our bed and it took about 45 minutes of him crawling all over Lo and crying before he finally went back to sleep. Luckily he slept fine the nights since. He loves being in the yard and throwing sticks through the fence.
Boof isn’t adjusting as well yet. Change is pretty traumatic for her (after being a 2 time pound puppy), so we thought it would be hard on her. She was definitely upset while we were packing. Since we moved, she’s gone to the bathroom twice in the basement (unfinished, thankfully). It’s possible that there was a dog down there at some point and she’s trying to make her mark. She’s eating grass like crazy in the yard, which isn’t terribly unusual for her, but she did throw up out there tonight (which is unusual). So maybe she has a sour stomach from stress…I don’t know. We just hope she’ll be okay. We’d hate for her to hate it here. Today Jenson brought her all of her toys, one by one…I think trying to make her feel better.
Lo and I are adapting okay – just trying to get things settled and fixed up. Today was my first full day home with Jenson and Lo asked me if I was ready to go back to work. NO way. Even when he’s fussy for 2 hours after his nap…when he’s clinging to my legs…when Boof wants in and out…there’s no place I’d rather be. Ask me again in 3 months, lol. Just kidding (I hope) – we’ll figure out a schedule and what we want to do during the day to keep things from getting stale.
It’s actually starting to feel like home to me already – or at least it doesn’t feel weird or like I’m living in someone else’s space. I will say that when we got everything out of the old house on Sunday…it was a little sad to leave for the last time…my stomach hurt even. Not for long though…it was out of my mind by the time we got back to our home. The old house closes on Wednesday, and then it’s just a distant good memory. Except the traffic…the traffic will always be a bitter memory. Now we have this.
1. Huge magnolia tree 2. The house from the ravine 3. Deer in the ravine (a fam of four seem to live down there)