Wine Love – Cameron Hughes

Cameron Hughes is one of my favorite brands.  They buy the oversupply of ultra-premium wines and label them into lot numbers and sell them for way less than the wine would have originally sold for.  Most I’ve seen are around $12-$15.  I’ve never met one I didn’t like, and I’ve certainly loved many of them.  This is one of my favorite whites: 

If you want to splurge though, splurge on this:
SO good
Or drink all of these (in one night):
But I warn you, don’t schedule a massage for the next day because you will be miserable. 
But I warn you, don’t schedule a massage for the next day because you will be miserable, like this:
Just kidding, he doesn’t even drink wine – it was just one night after a hard Crossfit class.  But I was horribly miserable in my massage after that wine-binge hot tub night.  I tipped the girl way extra because I felt bad that I probably had alcohol coming out of my pores. 

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