Workout Wednesdays: Sept 26 – Oct 2

I was ready to get back into workouts this week after a long vacation, but I had a little set-back. All is well now, but it made for a bad workout week through the weekend. Last Tuesday at volleyball I dove for a ball that I shouldn’t have and besides skinning the crap out of my knee and giving me a big knot at the top of my shin, it injured something structurally. It hurt when I got up, but I was able to keep playing and didn’t think about it, because I’m very good at ignoring pain while working out/playing sports. As an example, I earned a 2nd degree shoulder separation once working out and didn’t notice anything until later, but mostly the next day when my arm wouldn’t work anymore and was in horrible pain. I went to urgent care where I couldn’t tell the doctor what happened because I didn’t notice when it happened. This led to a second examination/questioning by a different doctor who began pressing on various parts of my body (looking for other injuries/bruises) because they assumed it was domestic violence.
So anyway, a couple of hours after my game on Tuesday, I had trouble walking up the stairs. The next day when I got out of bed, I almost fell. I could support my weight to walk, but I couldn’t bend, straighten, or twist my knee. It literally just felt like it wouldn’t work (plus it was super painful). I limped my way through the day at work and once I was home and walking around a little more it started to loosen up slightly. At some point I felt a big pop/crack and then it was mostly fine. I think my kneecap was misaligned or slightly dislocated or something. It still felt sore and a little weak, but I could walk fine after that. I kept my workouts pretty light for the week because it felt a little off and skipped yoga because I couldn’t bend it well or kneel on it, but it seems to be fine now.
In other injury news, my toes is still broken of course, but it doesn’t really stop me from doing anything. I haven’t been able to wear my vibrams to work out because it’s still swollen and those hurt it, which sucks because I hate wearing shoes for workouts now – it feels like I have different feet on. I did squish my toe into my vibrams for our paddleboarding lesson on Sunday (which was AWESOME – I totally want a board), but it’s been tender since then, so it was probably a bad idea to wear those. Note that my form in the below pic is completely wrong and not how I was doing it. I was coasting into shore and Lo was taking a picture so I was pretending that I was paddling, and I was pretending wrong.
Wednesday, September 26
- Nothing – my knee was jacked this day
Thursday, September 27
- Noon: 25 minutes Elliptical – this seemed like a good idea, but it didn’t actually feel that great. It put more pressure on my knee than I expected, so I got off early and did a short shoulder workout.
Friday, September 28
- Noon: I only had a half hour lunch because I was leaving early for to get ready to go to a bachelorette weekend in Hocking Hills, so I walked to the farmer’s market
Sunday, September 30
- 11:00 a.m.:Paddleboarding Lesson – it was awesome! I absolutely loved it. I loved having to focus on my balance and use my core strength to propel the board. We had about 2 hours to cruise around a reservoir and we tried out three types of board. Lo didn’t love it, but he did it for a while and then hung out on the shore. I will stop making him do water activities now.
Monday, October 1
- Noon: 100 Workout – I was afraid after hurting my knee that I wouldn’t be able to do my last 100 Workout, but it was okay by Monday and I finished the challenge! This week started with 100 burpees (which I cheated and split into sets again instead of attempted straight 100) and finished with 10 knees to elbows in plank. Now I need a new challenge! I’m really glad I did this workout. I was consistently sore each week, so I know it was a good workout and my muscles were continuously challenged.
Tuesday, October 2
- Noon: Vinyasa Yoga – I finally started back to yoga after vacation and toe and knee injury. IT FELT GOOD. This noon class is usually a little easier, so it was a good place to start back.
- 7:00 p.m.: Worthington Reverse Co-ed Volleyball – I subbed in this league and had a great time. I used to play in this league a long time ago – it’s actually the league where I met Kelley initially – I took her place after one of her knee injuries. The defense and blocking isn’t quite as good in this league as in Dublin, so I hit REALLY well and had a ton of kills. It felt great. We won 2 of 3. Before I game I wondered whether my scabby knee would bleed through my kneepad, but then I figured that wasn’t possible. It was and it did, which looked pretty gross. There wasn’t much I could do about it though. I put a band-aid and tape on my knee for my next match so the bloodletting wouldn’t continue.
- 8:15 p.m.: Dublin Reverse Co-ed Volleyball – We started off well in this match and won the first game – and then things fell apart after that. My toe was starting to ache during this game, but it didn’t affect me. I’m just glad my knee felt good!
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