Workouts: August 19 – 28

I want to start posting my workouts on Wednesdays because I don’t always post on the weekends and then I don’t end up posting them until the next week. So this is an extra-long post to get on schedule with that. Sorry about that. I did 6 days of yoga in a row!
Sunday, August 19
- 4:00 p.m. – Relaxation Yoga at GoYoga: this wasn’t my favorite class. It was very basic and very slow. I kind of expected that and for a Sunday it was fine since I don’t usually do any workout on Sunday.
Monday, August 20
- Noon – 100 Challenge: It’s my fifth week (I forgot to post my 4th, sorry!) so I started with 100 Bridge Lifts and ended with 10 mountain climbers. Since I had to do 50 burpees, I did 10 between each of the last 5 exercises and it was still hard! By the time I left the gym I was weak and already feeling sore! Needless to say, my legs hurt until Friday, though some of that would have had to do with yoga classes from the week. Either way, it was a great workout.
- 7 p.m. – 80 minute Flow Heated Yoga: Kelley and I got the guys to go with us to this class and they really enjoyed it. Our favorite teacher Anne was subbing, so it was a harder class than it otherwise would have been. It probably was not the best choice of a first-ever yoga class for Chuck, but he enjoyed it and he did well, even if Kelley did laugh at him a few times. Lo also liked the class, which was his first heated class, but didn’t love the longer length of the class. Afterwards we all went to our favorite sushi place.
Tuesday, August 21
- Noon: I knew I was going to do yoga that night, so I skipped the lunchtime yoga and Lo and I walked to a new frozen yogurt place downtown and to the farmers market.
- 6:00 p.m. – GoYoga Flow: This class wasn’t for me. The teacher wasn’t very motivating to me, which doesn’t mean she wasn’t a good teacher, she just wasn’t for me. I had this Care Bears record when I was little that had a read along book (yeah, record) and she reminded me of the person reading on the record “Any they ssllliiiddd down the rainbow, without a care in the world”. The saving grace of the class was that she focused on hips, which I always need to work on – and Kelley definitely needs that. We went to the Powell Winery after so C&K could stop in before their trip and then we went for tacos.
Wednesday, August 22
- Noon – 45 Minutes of Elliptical: I was so sore that this was the only thing I could manage. I didn’t even want to do this, but I wanted to read a magazine, so I convinced myself to go.
- 7:00 p.m. – GoYoga Heated Flow: There were only 4 people in this class so it was pretty tough. She did it as more of a workshop so we worked pretty deep into some new poses and did a ton of arm balances. I finally got into side crow and side crow variation (with legs split). Chuck and Kelley came over for dinner since their fridge was empty for their trip. I made Quinoa Burgers (a recipe that won a local burger contest), sushi salad, and grilled zucchini and prosciutto ribbons. The food was so good and I’ll be making everything again (and posting recipes).
Thursday, August 23
- Noon: I stayed in during lunch because I got to work late thanks to first day of school traffic. I also needed to flex some time so I could do yoga the next day at lunch.
- 5:30 p.m. – Capital Club Vinyasa Yoga: There were only 2 of us in this class so it was pretty intense. Anne promised no arm balances (since we did so many in her class the night before), but we did lots of side planks, which is an arm balance! I started to refine my headstands now that I can get up there regularly…I wasn’t spectacular at that, but it will get better. We also did some weird Shoot the Duck pose that she touched upon on Monday and I was able to do it this time. Also, yep, still sore.
Friday, August 24
- Noon – Capital Club Yoga: Good class – standard for Fridays with a lot of core. Still sore.
Saturday, August 25
- Our friends had signed up for Kayak for a Cure and realized they were going to be out of town so we were able to take over their registration. I had a great time and Lo survived. He isn’t super fond of being on the water, especially water that isn’t very clear – and the Scioto is nothing other than brown. It didn’t help that I accidentally bumped him a few times in the beginning. The trip was only about a mile and a half each way (it seemed a lot shorter, so I’m not sure about that). When we got to the turn around point, I floated around with some friends for a bit and Lo headed back. It was a great time (for me) and for a great cause (Children’s Hospital). I definitely want to do it again next year. And I’m totally counting it as a workout.
Monday, August 27
- Noon – 100 Challenge Workout: This was my 6th week so I started with 100 calf raises and finished with 10 Bridge Lifts. Since I had to do 60 burpees, I split them into sets of 10 after the last 6 moves. I could tell at the end of the workout that I wasn’t going to be as sore as last week, but I was still worn out.
- 5:30 p.m. – Capital Club Core Vinyasa: I hadn’t taken this class for a month or so and it was pretty good. We tried headstands from tripod, but I couldn’t get up yet. One of these days…
Tuesday, August 28
- Noon – 45 Minute Elliptical: I was pretty sore and didn’t feel up to yoga. So basically, lazy.